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CCDB → Angiosperms → Ranunculaceae → Clematis → Clematis integrifolia L.
Name | Accepted Name | Gametophytic(n) | Sporophytic(2n) | Data Source | reference | ||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | Slovakia Database | Májovský J. et al., 1978: Index of chromosome numbers of Slovakian flora (Part 6). - Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Comen., Bot. 26: 1-42. | |||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | /16/ | Slovakia Database | Planderová E., 2007: [New records in Clematis], pp. 196, 197. - In: Marhold K., Mártonfi P., Mereďa P. jun., Mráz P. (eds), Chromosome number survey of the ferns and flowering plants of Slovakia. Veda, Bratislava. | |||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | IPCN online | Serov, V. P. 1986. Chromosome numbers in some representatives of the Clematideae (Ranunculaceae) tribe of the USSR flora. Bot. Zhurn. 71: 1428. | |||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | IPCN online | Serov, V. P. 1989. The study of karyotypes in representatives of the genera Clematis and Atragene (Ranunculaceae). Bot. Žhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 74: 967–972. | |||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | IPCN online | Pringle, J. S. 1979. Documented plant chromosome numbers 1979: 1. Sida 8: 119–120. | |||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | IPCN online | BHATTACHARJEE, A. & A. K. Sharma. 1980. Karyological investigations on three genera of Ranunculaceae. Acta Bot. Indica 8: 1–10. | |||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | IPCN67-71 | KEENER, C. s. 1967. A biosystematic study of Clematis subsection Integrifoliae (Ranunculaceael. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. soc. 83: 1-41. | |||
! | Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | IPCN75-78 | Magulaev 1976 | ||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | Fedorov, 1974 | Meurman. Therman 1939 . | |||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | Fedorov, 1974 | Gregory W. C. 1941 | |||
! | Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | Darlington, 1955 | Meurman & T. 1939 | ||
Clematis integrifolia L. | Clematis integrifolia L. | 16 | Cave1962 | Kurita 1962a |